Yeah fashion's shallow, but have my swimming certificate so I can dive right in. ...okay that didn't get many laughs..

April 29, 2011

Tumbling all the way

Hi guys! Just wanted to let people know that I now have a Tumblr blog which I’m using more than this one actually.

I’ll still be writing my major fashion articles etc for this blog, but the photos can be found more on:

Hope you all like it!

Thanks again for reading and enjoy your Royal day off!

Abby-Mia x

April 02, 2011

Falling in love

Boys are easy to fall for, but difficult to a) make them fall for you and b) climb back up from them.

So based on the fact I only realised this last night, I decided to turn to a new object of lust. Beyond Retro. 

Beyond Retro is a vintage fashion empire, with stores in London, Brighton and somewhere else, and an online fashion heaven.

After just 10 minutes of amazement, I’ve already added floral playsuits, blazers, petticoats, mini skirts and corsets to my mental MUST BUY NOW list!

And let’s face it, when you find the ones you want, fashion and clothes are never going to turn around and tell you you’re not their type…