So fashion is something which all people encounter every day of their lives. As her Royal Highness Queen of Style put it:
"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
Coco Chanel was right.
Whether or not a person inhabiting the ever-developing 21st century world likes it or not, fashion is everywhere and we all contribute to the fashion industry in some way.
Even by hating, detesting and showing profound abomination for the fashion industry, a person is providing essential inspiration to some designers, fuelling their creative vision. It's obvious why. If you know that there are people in the world who dislike your work, your ultimate ambition is to reverse that; prove them wrong.
If you're looking for a psychology student, you're reading the wrong blog, but I know that all people on this Earth feel and experience emotions. Everyone has something in their life which makes them feel positive emotions, or negative emotions. Human beings feel emotion until their last breath has escaped them.
So even if a person dresses in a paper bag every day, wandering around aimlessly preaching their hatred for the fashion industry (which I highly doubt anyone actually does anyway), I bet you my favourite vintage necklace that they're still feeling some sort of emotions.
My point is that emotions fuel the fashion industry.
Designers are inspired solely by emotions. You may think this
dress has been designed based on the designer seeing the ocean. But for that designer to even BOTHER reaching for a pencil to sketch a single hemline, they must have experienced some emotion for that ocean. Love, hatred, longing, joy, or even remembering. Memories then consequently trigger emotions.
People inspire fashion designers every day, whether intentional or not.
A hater of fashion may think they can avoid it their whole life, calling it "shallow" or "pointless". But it's everywhere.
Fashion isn't just inspired by emotions.
Fashion is an emotion...